This is horrible, I have nothing with the usual hello kitty tats,if someone wants to have a merchandise symbol on its body, go ahead. But this ? He must be either the biggest HK fan or just a tasteless attention whore. I go for the second option ... link via
this blog
check out http://www.kittyhell.com to find a few more horrid hello kitty tattoos
is that a pac man on his neck?
Despite the rest of his appearence, it took the Hello Kitty for you to guess this man may be an attention-whore?
Yeah, I think the HK tat is just a teaser. Too bad he didn't have his shirt off. You probably could have filled an entire hard drive with pics of this guys bad tats.
This is only the half og it, this guy even has a Hello Kitty branding: http://www.kittyhell.com/2008/08/04/hello-kitty-brand-scar/
Just... no
I know the guy. He is super cool. He isin't an attention whore.
i know the guy too and he sucks
the sad thing is, in the last picture, he looks exactly like my ex-boyfriend....
i know this guy too and he's one of the most disgusting and pathetic people i've ever met in my life.
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