"It's a bit heartbreaking for us just to see a picture like this. Do you see what we're talking about here?As you can see, the lady in this photo got a little Kanji tattooed on her belly. Maybe it looks fine to people who aren't so familiar with Japanese Kanji symbols. For her, it WAS supposed to be "wind" in Japanese Kanji, but in fact the the letter was placed REVERSELY by some inexperienced tattoo designer or someone who didn't pay much attention to the result. Otherwsie it is likely that she picked the Kanji symbol from one of those web sites for free to save money"
That's really sad...
before my friend got his kanji tattoo, we checked a million different websites to make sure we got the right one. And, as a result, he got the right tattoo
when i first saw it i had to read the belt buckle to make sure she just didnt take the pic in a mirror. lol
Wouldn't "wind" have been more appropriate on her *back*side anyway?
If by "reversed" they mean mirror-image, then it could be that the picture was taken into a mirror myspace-style, or taken with certain types of phone cameras that mirror the pictures under certain circumstances. If that's not what they mean by "reversed", then that's just hilarious.
Nice stomach though...
lol..i dont think its mirrored or the belt buckle would have been mirrored too
Maybe it's the reverse way for us, but it's the right way for her! If she looks at the tatoo she see it right!
the western people make kanji or Chinese Tattoo Mistakes quite often because they use free translation either online or offline, no one guarantee the accuracy of the translation as it is free, and they take risk of getting a Chinese tattoo which may permanently embarrass them.
Click the link below to see how to void tattoo mistakes
Chinese Symbol Tattoos
taking japanese right now, kanji should only be used for those who are fluent in japanese. if one word mean so much, put it in your language. By hiding it with another character, i feel you are giving out the impression of mysteriousness (however resulting in giving off a bad impression) or your just too big of a tool
I know enough japanese to tell you, even reversed, that's not the kanji for wind...
Yes it is. The real character should be this: 風
It's not actually THAT big a deal (compared to what it could have been), because this particular character doesn't change that much when made into a mirror image. At least it's still recognizable.
Who cares what it says, I'd f**k the crap out of this broad.
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