Here's a heart warming story for you, at the age of 14 this guy was sent to juvenile hall for aggravated assault with fatal consequences, there, he asked his juvie friends to tattoo on his forehead the phrase "Jebać Sąd" (Fuck Court [though, "jebać" is significantly stronger than English "fuck"]). Why ? As he explained "I felt harmed by the court's decision, during the assault I was with two of my friends but they weren't sent to the juvenile hall like I was.". So where's the twist ? Now, he's 21 and he decided to change his life. He will end his sentence in 2010, but in orded to get a fresh start he needed to have his tattoo removed. Although his cell mates mock him, he had it removed (by a painfull skin stretching followed by cutting out the tat).

What a twat!
fuckin hello kitty!
uhm, eh, er... amaaaazing!! °__°''
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeck, i feel pain only by looking to this image ; _ ;
On tattooblog.com I just had a post about Gang Tattoo removals for $50 bucks a pop up... I think it's important to allow people who make mistakes early in life to get a chance to make up for them... it'll never cease to me how far some people will go
HapiBlogging to you my friend! Have a nice day!
who the hell paid for that?
Estas são as piores e mais horrorosas tatuagens que eu já vi na vida!
I feel sorry for the doctor. Look at the expression on his face. WTF??? Aren't there people out there who deserve medical attention more than this tool?
What a douche.
Hey guys I was thinking about getting a tattoo. Where should I look?
I have been using www.tattoomeli.com
but it would be nice to have some more options
I was also thinking about buying a kit
Wow do I need to add you to my daily blogroll. This site is great! This dude was a serious tool.
i just cant understand why anyone would want a tattoo on their face. any tattoo.
Hey where are you??
I miss your daily/weekly updates!!
For reals. Are you ever going to update?
Aww, that's like a FAIRY tale...
AHAHAAAA oh my gosh
DAng dude
Stupidity SHOULD be painful!
Weird. My dad got tattoos removed with lasers, not skin stretching.
No one should be allowed to tattoo some ones face
hi guys.. love having a tattoo??
but you want it pain less and and safe...
guys,, try this one,, i tried this before,,but now i love having this one every time I'll go at tattoo shop.. try DRNUMB'S NUMBING CREAM.. it's really safe and effective...
try to visit their website at http://www.drnumb.com/
hi guys.. love having a tattoo??
but you want it pain less and and safe...
guys,, try this one,, i tried this before,,but now i love having this one every time I'll go at tattoo shop.. try DRNUMB'S NUMBING CREAM.. it's really safe and effective...
try to visit their website at http://www.drnumb.com/
oh my god! I had my tattoo yesterday and I asked for a numbing cream thank god they have it! I asked where they got the numbing cream but they only gave the website I already cheched it so see it for your self www.drnumb.com
Hayie There Buddies! Just dropping by! It’s a quite experience of trusting this product that I had purchased from Drnum. I’ve got this drnumb cream and actually it’s a numbing cream, which I’m using in my shop. My customers are keeping coming back! Let me help you guys with this, for those who wanted a painless tattooing and body piercing, try this! It’s non-oily, water-based and doesn’t interfere with the ink, and this product is medically tested and has a reasonable priced and the best is it has no side effect great for man and woman out there (not applicable for sensitive skin). Did I help yah?? So this is it, let me also help you again by leaving their website on this page, and its http://www.drnumb.com or call their toll-free hotline its 1-888-288-4847. Thanks for having me here. Have a great day and of course have a great painless tattooing and piercing
wonderful painless tattooing and piercing cream,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the dr.numb cream.......for more ques and some datas;;;;;;;just log on to www.drnumb.com....ty
Still think you couldn't get a tattoo without some kind of pain prevention? What about Lidocaine? Dr. numd has 5% Lidocaine the highest licodine content in the numbing cream market today!!! get that ink done wihtout the discomfort. check www.drnumb.com for more info. -carl
buddies, for painless tattoing and piercing try it out, drnumd anesthetic cream, its a great product. check it out
if you dont want pain for tattooing and piercing use a numbing cream and the best numbing cream is Dr numb anesthetic cream. it is water based non oily
and it has 5% lidocaine and approved by FDA. if you wanna know more about Dr numb just check the website
it really works!
Noo! shit
Wow... anywhere we can read his story? That's pretty insane.
The tat looks not bad for a jail-tat though.
Man this guy is feeling sorry for himself now. A good lesson in thinking very hard before you permanently mark up your body with ink!
I'll never understand face tattoos... especially PRISON face tattoos.
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